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Will have to play this game again!


Still think it was scary, tense and fun all at the same time


Had a lot of fun with this game. Love how creepy and fun it is at the same time. 

Glad you liked it. I see you played the older version. The newer one got a balance rework :)


Came back to try and actually beat this game and very much failed hahaha though I do think I got farther than I did last time. I'd forgotten how panic inducing this game was and despite being my second time playing it, it was still just as scary as it had been before. Keep up the amazing work guys!

(3 edits) (+1)

Great idea and game, i will surely follow this sh_t :)))

idk man kinda hard and boring

Not a game for everyone, but thank you for playing !

this is a awesome horror game mixed with a memory challenge

اللعبة جدا جميلة وضيعت كثييييير!!!

I've played this horror game a few months ago and the improvements are insane! I've only play for a short bit but still my soul still flew away! very fun and scary horror game :)))

Thank you for the video and sorry for your soul haha !Glad to hear you liked the improvements for our earlier versions :) You can get more sneak-peaks and updates on our socials , but thanks again for the review :)c


 i panicked the entire time lmao 

Thanks for the video!! Great gameplay with the doors, you did good !

thank you lol


This game is sensational. I really liked the way the monster chases you and the way the gameplay works, it's very scary

Thank you so much! glad you enjoyed :))


This game is amazing. Good gameplay and flow, with replayability, a genuinely scary atmosphere, and a terrifying monster to back it all up. Excited to see what Chapter 2 would bring, though I didn't beat the game just yet. Great Work! 

Thank you !! We are happy you enjoyed it and great video! :)) you can join the discord or follow us on twitter if you want to stay updated ;D


This game is so great. It's very seldom I find a game that has a horror atmosphere and replayable gameplay to match. The last game I played with those two characteristics was Amnesia: The Bunker, which ALSO had a hand-held watch, which is interesting.


Haha thank you! we have a Amnesia entusiast on the team so it could be an inspiration ;P You should join the discord if you want to discuss it more :)c but thank you for playing!


The max I could find was 9, I was happy with just 5.


You did great haha very good video! Thank you for playing :D


This game had me SCREAMING a LOT!


Damn, I didn't actually beat it but I really like the concept.

It's pretty intense but fun overall!


Beat it. That was Intense 5/5


one of the best games, can't wait for chapter 2

Thank you so much, and great video haha !! its difficult to engage here on itch,, so if you want more updates you should follow us or join the discord :D





I Just Played This Game In My 20 Scary Game Video, I Wanted To Make A Big Video On All The Best Horror Games On Itch And I Covered This Game And Time Stamped It In The Description Of The Video, Thanks For The Awesome Scary Game <3

Ouf, the right green cup was on the right of the last one you chose. Good video!

Deleted post

Thank you for playing ! :)



The sequel we waited for yyyayy !! gj beating it and thanks again !!


Definitely by far the best game I played off this website lol had my heart racing the whole time! Keep on working I’m expecting Chapter 2!!!!

cool idea but is hard for me at times 

Thank you!! yea its a fine balance hhehe you can follow and give suggestions here if you want! We post sometimes :)c

But thanks for the video!


idea was so simple and so good. the progression is a good update. I had so much fun i beat it twice

This game is the perfect mix of challenging and fun, where even though some deaths feel unfair, it's a blast to start up again. The monster design is great, gameplay loop is simple but solid, and it gets really scary once the lights go out.

I played this a bit ago and never got around to posting about it. Really cool concept with an insanely creepy atmosphere. The chaotic layout of the building along with the added fear of a timer while forcing a player to use their memory to find a small object hidden withing many other similar objects was awesome! Check out my play through and let me know what you guys think!

Thank you for the video!! Great commentary and we did do a dickish move, they randomize >:) But there are newer updates with a "progression" in difficulty, so its not that difficult from the beginning :P But you did great!! We post some updates sometimes on our socials if you want to follow, or give insights on our discord 

But Thanks again!!


Awesome! Maybe I’ll go back and make a PT. 2! Thanks for watching! 

i really enjoyed this game the cups i needed refused to show up lol 


Alright I actually had a really good time with this. Like it speaks to the gameplay loop when I'm willing to sit here for an hour looking for mugs. Which "skill issue" I know.  The building was incredibly well designed, to the point where I struggled to explore it properly and cover ever stop when looking for mugs. The players footstep sounds cut out quite often, not that it matters much, but I thought I'd point it out, seems to have to do with me picking up a mug while its playing. sorry this is so long. Genuinely good game so THANKS!

Thank you so much for the great video and comment, we love a longer read haha! And thank you for the bug-call out with the sound, we appreciate it :)) We post some updates sometimes you you want to follow

but thanks again!!



Yo not even kidding this might be the best horror game on itch. This is what happens when a game dev focuses on gameplay and atmosphere in a fun yet simple way. Instead of covering up piles of shit with good graphics. GREAT WORK WITH THIS.

what a duo hahah ! thanks for playing :))!

Added alcohol to the game and well…

If I Die, I Take a Shot | Find or Be Found #scary #foryou

what a concept, and you did great aswell haha! thank you ;)

this game had me on edge the whole time playing it anxiety through the roof lol I couldn't even play it that long that's how much I was freaked out it even made me doubt my own memory skills overall a TERIFFYING GAME can't wait for more.   

Thank you hahah , that's great to hear! :D

Played this game a while back and completely forgot to comment about it. If you're looking for a game that really tests your memory skills while in the heat of panic THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU! Find or be Found thrusts you into an oddly familiar maze with the goal of FIND THE MUGS. Easy enough, right? Do be quick as you only have a certain amount of time before the lights go out and IT awakens... I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this game. From having to remember which mug I was supposed to find down to shouting in pure fear hearing the metallic footsteps increasing in proximity. If you're looking for a real ADRENALINE INDUCING, PANIC PROFFERING, and UNIQUE game FIND OR BE FOUND IS IT!

If you are interested to see my experience with the game my video will be linked down below... if you show interest towards playing it DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO, GIVE A TRY YOURSELF... OR ELSE!


Thank you for the warm review and a great video, love the name shout-outs in the end <3! Its really fun to see you enjoy it, we hope you stick around :D


Of course! I'll do my best to keep an eye out for updates and new chapters!

scary game 


what an interesting concept.

Thank you! :)


THIS GAME IS COMPLETE TRASH . the mechanics are bad also that cup randomize really worse - the entity is fast and outsmart player 


Of course the entity is fast but you can out maneuver it and as the game said CLOSE THE DOORS (it slows it down). The cup randomization gives the game extra spice, makes nearly every playthrough completely unique AND it tests your memory.

Yea sorry about the balance issues, i dont know which version you have but we tried to make it more fair in the latest update.  Hopefully you can enjoy it later, but thats the point of these early stages, to see the gaps so still thank you for playing! :))

What Does He Want With These Mugs Anyway? 

This game was honestly so fun and felt so intense good job cant wait to see what else you create!

found an interesting bug
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