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(2 edits)

This Game Hurts Me IRL !!!


Did not understand a word, but great video regardless, very funny reactions! :)

More intense than I expected, I really felt a sense of dread when the timer was ticking down. I think it's very unique having to go through the different cups and try to identify the right one. I feel like it's maybe a tad more difficult than it has to be but it's a good experience :). 

hi im having trouble using my mouse to i the only one?

Hmm, not something we've seen before. If you have more details we can look in to it. Do you have a wireless mouse, did you play in fullscreen, did you have decent framerate? It might be an issue on your side, but if not we will look in to it. :)

I had the exact same problem.  I went into options then controls and for some reason sensitivity was turned down to 0. I turned it up and it was fine. I'm guessing that's the same thing that you are experiencing. 

Aah, I see. We will keep this in mind, thank you!

good game,but i can't finished,the monster is too fast and intense.

Learned more about cups than I thought I would in a horror game

I enjoyed it for sure, this could be something special! 

Thank you for playing and the video! We really want to hear what aspects that are more enjoyable/frustrating then others, so thank you for the feedback :)


Fun concept with excellent monster design. The sound of the... "thing" walking is really unnerving and the way it just stands there while the timer ticks down is a nice touch. I expected that the monster would just appear when the timer ran down but having it actually walk around the building and look for you is really stressful and fun.

Great job!

Ty so much for the lil review! We are glad to hear you enjoyed the lights off ;)


Amazing game well done

Thank you :)


Insanely scary! I had such a fun time playing. It generally made me stress and freak out throughout the entire game. It was so much fun though I can not wait to see more on what you guys have installed :)) 

Phenomenal concept for a game, high stress and memory game fused together to make this great game. Easily can be played in a challenge mode to see how long you can survive while also maintaining a horrifying creature!


This was really fun! I can see this being frustrating at times Lol. The panic of trying to find the right cup. Made a video on it.


The anxiety of searching for the cups while this thing chases you was INTENSE. I loved this and want to see more of the game in the future! 

Thank you! We are hard at work with updates! :D


Fun game with a terrifying monster. Thank you for making it.

Great video and sorry about the doors haha, thank you for playing! :D


Really creepy game. Wasn't expecting Find The Cup to be so tense xD

haha, right? stay safe out there, lot of cups ;) Thank you for playing!


So scary ,good job

Thank you! :)


Immensely addictive with amazing quality and legit tensed atmosphere! Fantastic!

From the screen shots, the game presents a simple premise - find items, don't get caught. Yet, the game goes further with the environment, legit creepy AI and just nerve wrecking experience. Fantastic job on the game! 

Best of luck with the future developments. Cheers! 


Thank you for playing and the review !! We will do our best 


Just saw @fearagen's video that you gave a shout out, very kind and cool of you! 


INSANELY SCARY! I play a LOT of horror games, and this one truly freaked me out. Nice job!

Thank you so much for playing and covering it on your channel! The review means a lot, appreciate it  !


I really liked this game! You see it in the title screen so you know what it looks like from the beginning, but nothing prepares you for when it starts chasing you! I have horrible memory, so I'm not good at these games! XD Awesome job!

(1 edit) (+1)

You did good though for having bad memory! ^^

You're too kind! I wonder what the top score is now!



Cool of you to show some gameplay of it, thank you !! also is it only the video, or the game settings who cause the lower FPS you think?


Actually scared the shit out of me, nice 👀

You're welcome ;D thank you ✨

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